disneyland half marathon Posts

Guest Blogger, Rebecca: Things To Do at Disneyland During the Disneyland Half Marathon

Photo Credit: Disneyland

Hello again, fellow WRFD readers,

I can’t believe the Disneyland Half Marathon weekend is only 3 weeks away! I’ve had a countdown on my phone since the days remaining were in the triple digits — and finally, we’re in the home stretch!

In this post, I’m going to talk about some of the things my husband Jake and I have on our to-do list at Disneyland (and beyond)…

Guest Blogger, Rebecca: One Month Until the Disneyland Half Marathon Weekend!

Hi Friends!

The Disneyland Half Marathon Weekend is right around the corner! To those who have trained all spring and summer for your big race/s, I’m thinking of you and look forward to following along! I’ve asked my lifelong friend and runDisney sister, Rebecca, to be my guest blogger for today. She and her husband, Jake, will be running the Disneyland 10K! Here to tell her story is Rebecca: